Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My parents and my brother came to our house for Thanksgiving.  We ended up driving down to San Diego on Wednesday and went to this random Watershed Visitor Center in hopes of learning about Tijuana. We got a few good tips and headed that way.  We parked on the America side and walked across the border for some great shopping.  (Come to find out later it is super dangerous in the border cities right now and lots of people have been killed...oops. Everyone was nice to us.) On Thanksgiving, we rented Segways and rode them up and down Mission Beach.  So much fun! We decided to stop and play tag in a park at one point and while I was driving away from Dave, I somehow hit a bump and totally wiped out.  (You aren't supposed to go over anything that is taller than an inch). Not only was my butt bruised, but so was my ego as a bystander informed me that it made his day.  No worries, because later Dave was trying to see how fast he could make his go and my mother decided to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.  Dave was looking down at the speedometer and ran straight into her and he flew off his onto the cement.  My mom's and mine had a couple wobbly wheels after those accidents, but still a great experience.  We drove up through Carlsbad on the way home (to see where I would have been if I hadn't got married to the greatest guy every).  We ate our Thanksgiving dinner at TGIFridays and then played some cards when we got home.  Friday we went to Six Flags and had great weather and few lines! Dave even admitted to riding unique rides that he liked! Success. We got to stop at this neighborhood called Thoroughbred on the way home that is known for its extravagant Christmas lights. Saturday was a bunch of shopping while Dave did homework.  Sunday was my mom's birthday so we made her breakfast, went to church, had delicious homemade vegetable soup, put pictures up on my walls (finally), and played some more cards. My parents got up really early Monday morning and headed home.  It was a great week and we got a lot done!

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